Report Setup

This section covers the initial setup required for creating reports.


Report parameters that are used for data selection and filtering are built into the application. If you are in a project and then go to the Reports page, the default value in the Project parameter field is populated. You can change the Project field value by selecting another project from the drop-down list. If a project has not been selected, select one from drop-down list.

When you select a report, fields show that have parameter values specific to the project and the default values are automatically filled in. Parameters and parameter values change depending on the report selected.

Run a Report

The following procedure takes you through the basic steps to select a report to run, define report parameters, and run the report.

Step by Step — Run a Report

  1. On the Reports tab, select a report from the Reports list. The report title and parameters show.
  2. Select a project if one is not already selected, and then complete the remaining parameters.

    • If the field allows multiple parameter, you can select the individual values or click Select all to include all values in the report.
    • After all the parameters are completed, you can save the report as a view.
  3. Click Run Report.

    • If there are any missing or incorrect parameters, the field shows as a red box and an error message is briefly shown at the top of the page. Fix the parameter issues, and then click Run report again.

  4. After the report runs, it will open in a new window.

    Make sure to allow pop-ups in your web browser or the report output could be blocked by your web browser.